Sunday, April 24, 2016

Arranged Marriage: Choosing Between Love and Family

Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight!
For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.
-Romeo, Act I.iv

 "In fact, most of the world's marriages are arranged by parents or matchmakers...A study      involving 50 couples from India suggests that love in [non-arranged] marriages decreases over time, that love in arranged marriage grows over time, and that love in arranged marriage may eventually surpass the love that occurs in [non-arranged] marriages" (Epstein 341). 
-Epstein, Robert, Mayuri Pandit, and Mansi Thakar. “How Love Emerges in Arranged Marriages: Two Cross-cultural Studies”. Journal of Comparative Family Studies 44.3 (2013): 341–360. Web.

     In addition to the ancient grudge between the Capulets and the Montagues, Juliet's arranged marriage with Paris presents a major obstacle that stands in the way of the famous "star-crossed lovers." In Elizabethan England, it was not uncommon for the aristocracy and the well-to-do merchant class to arrange their children's marriage, ensuring that the family estate or title was aligned with another respectable (and wealthy) family. However, arranged marriages are still alive and well today, and there is current research to suggest that it may actually be an attractive alternative to non-arranged marriages (50% of which end in divorce).

What do you think? Is it wrong for parents to control so much of their child's future by choosing their spouse for them? Or, with the current high divorce rates, does it make more sense for family members, who know you well and wish the best for you, to choose your partner?

This is an active debate and controversial issue in society today. Now you can join the conversation! Compose a 200-250 word response in Microsoft Word, then paste it into a "comment" on this post. You may either post a new comment, or reply to someone else's comment, but remember you MUST be respectful online. Remember to form your argument in a strong thesis statement, back up your argument with evidence or examples (you may quote or paraphrase Romeo and Juliet or Robert Epstein), and end with a conclusion that acknowledges the other side of the debate. 

When we are done, we will be able to see everyone's input! That's what debates are all about - multiple perspectives!



  1. I personally think that arrange marriages should be up to no one. There are different advantages and disadvantages to arrange marriages or for you to choose your own partner. When your parents choose your husband or spouse you get the convenience of a partner that has the similar traits to you because your parents have lived with you for years. This usually ends up in a partner just like you but in some cases similarities don’t attract. You can also choose your own partner who you bond with and actually be able to meet them, instead of just marring a blank face, like an arranged marriage. The arrange marriages or choosing your own partner has a lot to do with religion. So marriages shouldn’t be up to you or your parents it’s up to what the religion that you follow says. In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet has an arranged marriage with Paris, a wealthy man but Juliet decides to marry Romeo. In that case that is fine because Juliet’s religion didn’t say that it has to be an arrange marriage or you have to go find your own husband. If your religion was to state that your parents were to choose your partner and you were to go against that then you wouldn’t just make your parents mad, you would be going against your religion. When you go against your religion, you’re just questioning your identity and who you are as a person. Whether it is an arranged marriage or you’re finding your own partner is up to the religion and beliefs you follow.

    1. You make an interesting point about religion, and how that might determine if going against an arranged marriage is the right thing to do. In R&J's case, religion was not the reason for the marriage, so in that sense it was OK for Juliet to refuse. You could have highlighted this point a little better if you had mentioned this idea earlier on, perhaps in your thesis statement.

    2. Aye but i didst mention t and f'r this is a blog posteth comment and not an essay i bethink yond mine own pointeth is still valid. This means it can sustain an argument quaint well.
      - Bob (totally not Connor)

  2. I believe that arranged marriage is a terrible thing that should be frowned apon in our society today. Getting married is a huge part in someone's life, and to have all of that chosen by someone else who doesn't know your true interests and feelings is a very bad idea. Think back to the hanger project we did in English class, and how drastically different the two sides were. Love isn't something that should be forced, it's a flower that blossoms over time. Also, some people don't want to get married, or aren't ready at the time. Are you supposed to just force them anyway? Arranged marriage is an old concept that people are hanging on to and they shouldn't be, sure it can work out, but other times it can be a detriment to someones life.

    (anonymous student)

    1. I like that you bring up the fact that some people are never ready for marriage, yet arranged marriage assumes that everyone will get married at some point.

      You could have strengthened this piece a little more if you had developed the example of the hanger project. To what extent where you and your parent not on the same page? Would have been interesting to see. And, you could have spoken about your hypothetical "marriage" to this person and how it would have worked out...or not worked out...

  3. With the current high divorce rates I think that family members or parents should have a say in who you plan to be with because of the fact that they know a lot about you and that it’s really good to have a second or multiple opinions other than your own. Although there are advantages and disadvantages cause your family may find you someone you don’t find attractive or you already have someone in mind that your parents don’t like, for example in Romeo and Juliet, their parents don’t want them to be together but to them it doesn’t really matter, Juliet’s father wants her to marry someone else, but Juliet is already married to Romeo so it’s just all mixed up. But overall I think it’s good to get a parents opinion cause they have an idea of what you need or deserve. It’s not really good to rush into something, it’s good to get to know someone and find out their likes and dislikes, what kinds of habits they have etc.. So again, yes I think it’s a good idea to have someone’s opinion, -Adriana Riojas

    1. Great response! I like that you aknowledge the practical aspects of having your parents facilitate a marriage or relationship. I think to some extent, everyone seeks out their family's opinion about their relationship, anyway. With the Romeo and Juliet example, you may have wanted to talk about what kind of guy Lord and Lady Capulet were setting Juliet up with. He was young, smart, respectable, and kind. Not a bad match, right? I wonder if Paris and Juliet would have been happy if she never met Romeo...

  4. Do you really think that arranged marriages are right? I think we should be able to pick our spouse and be with what the heart wants. You should be able to love someone freely, because your parents might force you into a bad situation and you have to marry someone else.
    I understand where some people say “since high divorce rates, you should let a family member or a best friend to help choose for you.” That’s a problem though, what if you really don’t love that person? It makes sense where parents should pick or have a say in who they want you to marry, but it’s not right. It’s not right because it’s just totally wrong. We have a say in what we want. I feel like we can listen to their opinion, but we can choose. Unless there is a legit reason to listen to your parents you should listen to them. In romeo and Juliet, Juliet is forced to marry Paris, but she truly loves romeo. that is a strong example because she had to listen to her parents, therefore she committed suicide.

    other people listen to there parents and there marriage goes great and live happy together. there is a few holes though, why would you even marry someone you don't love it makes no sense. as you can see you should pick who you want to be with and you will live with them.

    1. I think you make a strong point about the nature of love. Just because someone seems like they would make a good partner, at the end of the day, there has to be LOVE, right? Just because someone has the same interests and values that you have, that doesn't mean that you will automatically fall in love with them. There is something to be said about chemistry...that aspect of love that is hard to plan for. Great response, however last time I checked words are capitalized at the beginning of a sentence!

    2. Very logistical point, I like how you said that you only need to follow your parents if they're is an absolute reason to, instead of not at all.

  5. Arranged Marriages -nobody wants them- or do they? Today’s society has about 50% of all marriages end with divorces yet people still think arranged marriages are wrong. I, personally, am with arranged marriages. A plus about arranged marriages because people in today’s time are messed up and are idiots. They think they’re free because they don’t have their parents controlling them, but parents almost always, when they arrange these things, think of their child’s perspective on love and marriage. In Elizabethan England, it was not uncommon for the aristocracy and the well-to-do merchant class to arrange their children’s marriages to other respectful (and wealthy) families. I personally would rather have an arranged, happy, marriage than an un-arranged, un-happy, marriage. However, arranged marriages are still alive and well today, and there is currently research to suggest it may actually be an attractive alternative to non-arranged marriages (50% of which end in divorces). I love that my parent want the best for me, but sometimes they’re too controlling. As for people who are against arranged marriages, they don’t want to be living under their parents “rule” any more than they have to. The people are usually young people who are, roughly, 18-24 years of age. In conclusion, I am with arranged marriages like some people out there in the world because I can understand what they (and their parents) are doing and accept it.

    Jaci Monte

    1. Great response, however any text you pull from another source has quotes around it, to let readers know that they are not your words. Example:

      The blogpost states, "In Elizabethan England, it was not uncommon for the aristocracy and the well-to-do merchant class to arrange their children’s marriages to other respectful (and wealthy) families."

      You make a good point about so-called freedom and maturity levels of young people, and how they are not as prepared as they think they are when it comes to making such a huge decision.

  6. Can you really do a study on something as complex as love? Robert Epstein did a study which suggested that “love in [non-arranged] marriages decreases over time, that love in arranged marriage grows over time, and that love in arranged marriage may eventually surpass the love that occurs in [non-arranged] marriages”. I think arranged marriages are wrong because they don’t give someone a choice. When I read that quote from Robert Epstein I immediately thought “Does this make sense?” I thought about it and I think that this study has a hole in it. If two people have an arranged marriage and they didn’t love each other can they actually love each other less? This could be why love in arranged marriage grows since no there wasn’t love to begin there is only one thing that could happen they have to learn to love each other. In a marriage where two people thought they loved each other they could either love each other more or love each other less. There are many problems in a marriage though and it’s up to the two lovers to fix. It should be their choice to choose their partner and if they decide they make the wrong choice they can divorce. This leads to a life lesson that you cannot learn if you are in an arranged marriage. Love is a choice it isn’t just an emotion.
    David Liscano

    1. Such a good point in your first sentence! I love your logical take on Epstein's study. You make a very strong point: people in arranged marriage have the benefit of going through the "getting to know you" phase during marriage, not before it.

  7. I don’t agree with arranged marriages. A parent shouldn’t be allowed to control so much of their child’s future. I strongly agree that it should be the child’s decision about marriage; after all it is their life, NOT their parents. It is said that parents know their child better than the child knows themselves. Meaning that they should be able to pick a “perfect” mate for their son or daughter, which I think is highly doubtful because no one can know you better than you know yourself. Yes, divorce rates decrease, but that’s only because they can’t get out of an arranged marriages, because if it was up to their child, he/she wouldn’t even marry their arranged husband or wife. Furthermore, a parent shouldn’t control their kid’s future so much; it’s the CHILDS life NOT the parents. This can lead to tragic events such as running away or even suicide. What do you think a parent would rather have, their child being happy with the mate of their choice? Or having them run away, or even worse, commit suicide for not being with the one they love. For example, in William Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet”, both star-crossed lovers end up dead because of an arranged marriage. All in all, I think arranged marriages are corrupt ad shouldn’t be allowed anywhere in the world. Although there are more reasons to not have arranged marriages, these are just some that I strongly agree on.

    1. This is absolutely excellent! You are a great persuasive writer. You bring up the other side of the debate early on and refute it gracefully. You also make the most out of the Romeo and Juliet example ("What would a parent rather have..." <----- this is a very persuasive structure for your argument)

  8. I think that arranged marriage is wrong, because people should be able to make their own choices. Although the decisions we make may not be right, making your own decisions is a part of growing up. Parents in today’s world limit their children from making their own decisions, including something as personal as the person they marry. Arranged marriages are in my opinion not right at all, because people have the right to choose who they want to marry. Although, divorce rates are very high I still think people should be able to choose who they want to marry. Most families don’t consider how their son/daughter may feel about the arranged marriage. I think most people that are set up in arranged marriages are too scared to speak up. Just think about how you would feel if your parents set you up with a human being that you have never met, never probably seen, or maybe never even heard of; you wouldn’t like it would you? That is why I believe that arranged marriage is wrong. Robert Epstein on the other hand says that arranged marriages however are more successful than non-arranged marriages. Although these are proven facts, this still does not change my viewpoint on the situation.
    –Justin De Los Santos

    1. You make a great point when you say, "I think most people in arranged marriages are too scared to speak up." This could explain the low divorce rates in arranged marriages, right?

  9. I think we should be able to choose our spouse, my parents already control so much of my life and I want to be able to control my future. If my parents chose my spouse for me I’d feel like my parents are trying to control me and my future. I also wouldn’t want to take the chance of them choosing my spouse and I don’t love them. If I choose my spouse I would know for sure that I would love them, I know what I want in my spouse so I would love them more than a spouse my parents would choose for me.
    We should all be able to choose whom we love, our parents would choose someone they think we might love. Our parents are not us. They don’t know whom we love or what we want in a person. The decision should be solely our own, I am the only one who knows whom I will love. Same goes with everyone, you are the only one who will ever know whom you love. Our parents may have an idea of whom we will love or try to do what is best for us, but in reality we are the only ones who can choose the perfect spouse for our self.
    Natalie Garcia

    1. Good response! You make a great point about how hard it is to figure out who someone will fall in love with, even if the ones making the marriage match know that person really well.

  10. People all over the world, arranged marriages for their children but is that too much for a parent to control. Their marriages hold their whole life in the parents hands. Arranged marriages are wrong because they give too much control to the parents which gives them power and they give no freedom to the child.
    Control is a very powerful thing. Control for parents to have can be good or bad. It can be good by showing responsibility and by having consequences But when it comes to arranged marriages, It is bad because they control their whole Parents can have future too much control over their future and basically their life. The fictional children’s book Repunzel is a great example. Repunzel is a girl is a who wants to see the world but her so called “mom” will not let her. She has too much control over Repunzel so she runs off and finds her own future. Having too much control to the parent can be powerful and can be taken too far.
    Freedom is a part of life that lets you live life. Parents can have too much control and restrict their freedom and let them find their one true love. Repunzel did not have the freedom she deserved which made it even longer to find her love. She was locked up in a tower very far away from discovering the world. So she left the tower and found her true love. She found that freedom she deserved and needed to find the one she loves.
    Arranged marriages are wrong because they have too much control over the child and basically control their whole life and it does not give any freedom to the child so they can live their life. Parents love and care for their children. People get that, parents don’t want to let go but you have to let your child be who they are and love the person that they love and Arranged marriages is not the way.

    1. I love the Repunzel analogy! I have never made the connection between Repunzel and arranged marriage, but you show how the two are connected very well. This example also supports your thesis about parental control nicely (Parents having their child's whole life in their hands)

  11. Have your parents ever disapproved of someone you were dating? Parents always believe they know what is best for you and have your best interest at heart. Parents chosing who your spouse is going to be isn’t always the best option because what they want for you may not be what you want for yourself. For example, there is a new series on TLC called “Married by Mom and Dad”, where the parents go on dates with prospect spouses. Every marriage that was arranged didn’t work out other than one, but the spouse chosen was a second choice, since the first one failed. I believe most of them didn’t work out because while the chosen spouse and the parents got along the spouse and child didn’t. Also, who the parents thought were perfect for their child wasn’t the child’s idea of perfect. Mitch, one of the guys featured on the show was married for 2 weeks then got a divorce, because he believed his spouse was “ …Fake, a liar and just wanted to be on TV.” However, his parents thought they chose a honest, good spouse for him. This show shows how even though your parents think they chose the best option for you, it may not have actually been. I think the divorce rate is high because people rush into marriage or argue over silly situations and divorce is the easiest way to deal with the problems.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. By referring to the TV show "Married by Mom and Dad," you have a really strong example to back up your argument. Being able to point to a real-life situation is always very persuasive evidence. You do a great job of explaining the show as well, and staying on-topic. Well done!

  12. I believe that parents shouldn’t take control of what their children’s future holds especially when it comes to marriage because me myself think that is ridiculous if you really do think about. Lets say for example if you had strict parents and they wanted you to marry a young lady but you had already fallen in love with someone else like in Romeo & Juliet. You wouldn’t want them to do that right? Well if someone agreed to let their parents choose who they married then they are just a idiot. So what I am trying say is that arranged marriage isn’t something most people will like now days because people in this world are worst then what they were back then. And people now days are very picky with gender also lets say for example a guy tried talking to a good looking lady in public and he gets rejected well ill tell you why he probably gets rejected. Its probably because women now days go for looks instead of personality and arranged marriage wouldn’t fit those people who have certain interest. That’s why arranged marriage isn’t good also Im sure most people wanna do what they want with there lifes instead of being controlled like a game all their life.

    1. You have a strong response here, however:

      "Well if someone agreed to let their parents choose who they married then they are just a idiot"

      This one sentence is vague and unclear and takes away from your otherwise strong argument. The scenario you describe about toward the end about people being more picky is also strong. Overall, good job!

  13. I think people should be able to choose their own perfect person, not your parents or anyone else. Your perfect person should be someone who you think is the one for you because you have your own interests which your parents might not know about. Your parents might have a totally different type of person in mind with different values and characteristics that you might be against. Also, there is a lot of pressure on you to get to know that person and like them because your parents have gone through the trouble to find that person for you. For example, in Romeo and Juliet, Juliet is being set up in an arranged marriage, but she doesn’t want to get married just yet. But, her parents are wanting to her to take the opportunity or else be kicked out of her home, which puts a lot of pressure on her. Arranged marriages can cause a lot of trouble, especially when you hardly know someone and then you are just going to marry them, knowing nothing about them, trusting your parents choose the right one for you. Arranged marriages do have some benefits, if your parents know everything about you and exactly what you want in a person, but that isn’t the case most of the time. I think that arranged marriages should not happen in our society today.
    –Kristina Hall

  14. I think arranged marriages shouldn’t be up to anyone, it should be up to the person who wants to get married. Parents shouldn’t control their kids on who they should marry. Arranged marriages are like blind dates, it’s not like you know the person…you don’t know who they are, what their interest are, their hobbies, or anything about them. When your parents pick who they want you to marry they pick who they would want in a person because they want someone who won’t do you wrong. Getting married is a big deal so why would you want you to marry someone you don’t know. Picking our spouse should be up to us not our parents. What if your parents pick someone exactly like you, would you be attracted to them? I personally think I wouldn’t be attracted to someone like me because I’m not that sweet or nice of a person so why would I want to marry someone like that. Maybe if I were to marry someone with the same hobbies as me it would make sense. Or someone with high expectations like me. But to answer your question, yes, I think arranged marriages aren’t fair and just in general……pointless.

  15. Arranged marriages are something that was very common back in the days. It doesn’t happen as often as it did a long time ago, but it actually does still happen & it shouldn’t! Arranged marriages are something that needs to stay back in the 1600s. The only way I would agree to an arranged marriage is if I’m marrying Justin Bieber! Arranged marriages are ridiculous, your parents don’t fully know you, and you may have a wild side they’ve never seen before. You are your own person & it’s your decision on what you want. If I don’t even let my mom pick out what I wear every day for school, what makes you think I would let her pick out someone I have to spend the rest of my life with? It’s honestly really sad that some people don’t have that option of choice. Some might get stuck with some crazy spouse that can be abusive not only to the other, but the children. Arranged marriages need to end because it is not right to control another’s life. Only you know yourself, not your mom, dad, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa, cousins, best friend, or even your dog!

  16. Arranged Marriages, in my belief are very restricting to personal growth and experience, without experience from dating you won’t know what you truly want in a relationship and if YOU don’t know then how would your parents know? During your teenage years you should be learning to make adult decisions by yourself, that including dating. The only way to find true happiness and personal desire, is finding yourself and what you’re looking for by going through good and bad experiences in life. It does not make sense to me how someone that isn’t yourself could possibly find a good match worth marriage. Parents don’t always know their child so greatly, therefore who a person decides to marry should be up to them and the parents should be content that their child has found someone they believe is worth spending their life with. Even if in some cases the marriage works out well, the person needs to find their mate on their own and not rely on their parents, you must become independent. Another reason to be taken into mind is, the possibility of the person’s wishes to even be married. People have different morals and goals, in some of which a spouse can be to overwhelming. People are different in many, many ways and they need to find their own true happiness, not what others think is right for them.
    - Faith Faires

  17. I think arranged marriages should not be around today. In the past, parents arranged their children’s marriages for their own needs such as money or status like in Romeo and Juliet where Juliet’s parents arranged her marriage to Paris so they would have more money and a title. But that’s a thing of the past. Now a days there is no reason why parents get to control their kid’s lives down to who they’re supposed to spend the rest of their lives with. In some cultures the kids get a say if they want to marry the person that their parents chose for them or not, which is better than other cultures that say you have to marry the person chosen for you or your family will disown you, but still it’s not up to your parents who you love. And the reasons that people say that support arranged marriages are things like there is a lower divorce rate but the reason that there is a lower divorce rate is because most of the time, they are forced to stay in the marriages. But the thing about high divorce rates is that you’re obviously not going to fall in love with the first person you’re with. There are millions of people in the world so obviously it might take a few tries to find “the one.” In conclusion, I don’t think it is right for parents to have that much control over their children’s lives, it’s up to you to find the person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with, because even though your parents think they know what is best for you, they really just know what is best for them.

  18. Why would you want to control so much of someone else’s life when you have your own to worry about? I think it is wrong for parents to control so much of their child’s future by arranging their marriage. For some people, having arranged marriages can work out successfully. But I think overall, arranged marriages are not for everyone and will not work out for most people. Everyone should have the right to choose who they want to spend the rest of their life with. For example, how would you feel if you were forced by your parents to marry someone you don’t even know, or someone who doesn’t have a lot in common with you, rather than taking the time to meet and get to know this person? It wouldn’t feel so good. In the article read in class, the author gives an example of a girl who wasn’t ready to get married but was pressured into by her parents, “She cried. Her parents pushed her,” states Viviano. No one should feel obligated to get married when they still want to achieve more in their life rather than getting weighed down with stress of this unwanted relationship. I think there are more cons than pros in arranged marriages and it shouldn’t exist anymore.
    -Samantha Silva

  19. In my opinion, arranged marriage is wrong. I feel like you should have the choice to pick your spouse, after all you are going to be with them the rest of your life. You’d be surprised at the percentage rate of arranged marriage around the world. More than half of marriages worldwide are arranged. These marriages do have their pros and cons. A pro might be that these marriages are arranged by your parents, who really knows you better than your parents. Sometimes, the “perfect match” your parents pick for you might actually be what you were looking for. A con of these arranged marriages might be that the cultures that do them are not allowed to date. Crazy right, a normal couple looking for “the one” might be looking for a future husband/wife by dating and getting to know each other before heading straight into marriage. Not being able to date is kind of controversial when we’re talking about marriage. In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet’s parents feel like she is of age to marry. At first Juliet’s dad wants to give Juliet a choice on if she wants to marry Paris. When Juliet meets Romeo she knows for sure she has found her future husband. In one of the scenes Juliet’s dad and Paris arrange his marriage with Juliet showing that Lord Capulet is not giving her a choice anymore. Juliet ends up marrying Romeo instead of Paris and fakes her death to escape the marriage to Paris. None of this would’ve ever happened if her parents didn’t arrange her marriage. If they gave her freedom of picking who ever she wanted none of this would’ve ever happened. All in all, to me I feel like you should have the choice in picking whoever you want to marry. That’s just me maybe you have different views. What would you do if your parents had to arrange your marriage.

  20. In my opinion, arranged marriages are unfaithful to me. The whole point in getting married is to find the person you want to be with for the rest of your life, and how are you suppose too do that when your parents want you too marry a complete stranger?
    People in this century need to understand that love is a feeling not just what your parents like. Also, how do you expect to marry someone that you’ve never met before and have kids with? That’s just terrible to put your kid through something like that. Next if your kids say no they don’t want to marry someone it automatically makes them the bad guy. The point I’m trying to make is let your kid choose who they want to marry. It’s their life not yours.
    Another reason to not have an arranged marriage is to experience rough and good relationships with other people. People need to go out there and meet new people to find out what there type is. I believe that your parents know you really well and they feel like they know the person you should be with until the end of time but that’s just nonsense. A person its self should know who they like and who they share that connection with.
    Finally arranged marriages are nearly 55% common in the world. I seriously believe we can try and stop arranged marriages. It’s frustrating knowing that you can’t be with the one you love.

  21. I believe that arranged marriages provide a higher and better quality of love than non-arranged marriages. In western culture, most non-arranged marriages are unsuccessful, ultimately resulting in divorces. In arranged marriages though, struggles in relationships can result in positive outcomes. Spouses will work to improve themselves to overcome the problems that they face, instead of getting divorced, which is looked down upon in communities where arranged marriages are normal. In non-a more arranged marriages, getting divorced with your spouse is not unusual, in fact, around fifty percent of non-arranged marriages result in divorce.
    A big reason why a lot of people do not agree with the idea arranged marriages are because they don’t have control of who they marry, but actually in most cultures they have consent in not marrying someone that their family picks if they do not agree to it. Parents who choose who their son/daughter will marry also have a better understanding of what their son/daughter would prefer in a relationship if they are open about what they want in their marriage. The reason why someone would in end with someone that they couldn’t stand it’s probably because they were not open with their parents about some qualities that they would look for in a spouse.

    -Joshua Clack

  22. I believe is doesn’t matter as longs at the child of the parent agrees on it. If they agree with their parent setting a marriage then that’s okay arranged marriages last longer than non-arranged marriages. Most arranged marriages last long because the parent knows what their child wants that is they are open with the if an arranged marriage doesn’t end well it’s mainly cause then child was not open to their parent. Non-arranged marriages end faster than most arranged marriages because most people fall in love quickly and set themselves to that one person and as the saying goes “love is blind” they do not see the bad of what might happen after marrying that person on the other hand with and arranged marriage your parents can choose the good eggs for the bad ones because if there’s one thing parents do most is plan ahead for their children no matter what age they are. I wouldn’t mind an arranged marriage because my parents know what I like, how I am and how I act so I believe in them choosing a partner for me. So to me I think arranged marriage is kind of a good thing more than a bad thing.

  23. I believe that we should choose who our spouse is, the reason why is because we know what could happen to us because we have seen our parents go through one or saw one of our parents friends go through one. We should be the ones to choose who we love and would love to spend the rest of our life with, after all it is our life, no one should tell you what to do or who to marry. If the parent were to arrange a marriage that I didn’t know about, I would not marry that women because they didn’t tell me anything about it and they should respect my decision. Do you think a parent would rather have a happy child living the rest of their life with there perfect mate or have an arranged marriage and the child not even know about and probably never talk to them again or maybe run away or something that you never thought would happen. Robert Epstein on the other hand says “arranged marriages however are more successful than non-arranged marriages”, However this does not change how I feel about the arranged marriages because we are old enough to make our own decisions like adults.
    -john E

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I think that arranged marriages are meant for certain amount of people, sometimes you just cant find the right person for you.

    If my parents were to arrange a marriage for me I would not agree with them at all, I would completely get ticked off at them because nobody even gave me a chance to go out to the world and explore it with my own eyes. I would rather enjoy searching for the right person and meet new people than just arrive one day at home and see who you are going to get married with and possibly spend the rest of your life.
    Now for example, if somebody just has bad luck with meeting somebody new or doesn’t have any luck at all to find the right person then maybe that could be a good sign to get an arranged marriage. Some people just fit that sort of thing better others because they cant find a good partner for themselves, arranged marriages aren’t meant for everybody. If you need help finding somebody maybe that’ll be the right thing for you.
    In my honest opinion, I would prefer going out into the world and choosing somebody of my kind of taste to fit my preference. I would like to get to meet new people along the way of my own experience from my own eyes rather than my parents because we wouldn’t agree on the same things or they wouldn’t know what kind of women I would want. I wouldn’t want an arranged marriage because what if that person doesn’t make me happy or doesn’t fit my taste in things?
    -Daniel M

  26. Marriage should be your decision not anybody elses. I believe that arranged marriages is kind of a weird thing because what if the parents have nothing in common with their child, and then they choose a totally different person. It can also be weird because it could be a complete stranger to them or not even attractive. I believe that finding the right person it going to take a long time, and as an individual we should find our own true love. Going on plenty of dates, and hanging out contently is a step to finding the right person because that’s the only way your going to get to know somebody. By meeting new people, and hanging out with them you learn more about their life and personality. On the other hand arranged marriages you don’t get to do that you just hope to get blessed with a good person. We only get to live one life on this earth, and we should be able to marry the man of our dreams, and not be forced to marry a stranger. Arranged marriages can work out very good, and some can work out not to good. My opinion is live your life day by day, and one day you will make eye contact with that special someone and say “that’s the one”. –Kristin Marion

  27. Would you settle for an arranged marriage? I know I wouldn’t. I think marriage is a huge part of your life and you should get to choose who it’s with. I don’t think your Parents should have that much control over you or your life. You should be able to marry someone you love and care for. Not with someone your parents think is good for you, because they don’t know all of you. You could have a whole other side to you that your family doesn’t know about. They don’t really know the full you and what you’re looking for in a “perfect” mate. Only you know what you truly want. But then again, some people believe arranged marriages should happen because your parents would know who you’re marrying and you wouldn’t have any trouble with them not liking your mate. Maybe the person they pick actually is the one for you. Maybe you really didn’t have to search on your own. But that’s just some people. I still believe arranged marriages shouldn’t be a thing. Because with some arranged marriages you’re not even allowed to go on dates. How are you supposed to learn from your mistakes? Or have fun on the good dates and keep those thoughts in mind when your actually searching for your soul mate. I think people should never have to live with being controlled on who they want to date/marry. You are your own person and should make your own decisions.

  28. I feel like this has relevance

  29. Arranged marriages are wrong because, it’s not right to let your parents pick out the life they want for you. Make a stand for yourself and tell them that it’s not right what they are doing. I think that if you really love someone and that person makes you happy, then you should be with them. Don’t let your parents pick out which guy they specifically want for you. Like Shakespeare once said, “For she had eyes and chose me.” That’s like saying, Romeo and Juliet for example. When they first laid eyes on each other they knew they were in love. Juliet’s mother didn’t have to pick him, Juliet herself picked her true love she wanted to marry. Juliet’s mother didn’t want Romeo and Juliet to be together, their families hated each other. That never did stop Romeo and Juliet from seeing each other and falling deeper in love with one another. That’s why arranged marriages are so wrong if your parents pick out who you will marry there’s a very high chance that you will not love that person. Your true love will always have your heart and that’s the person who you should marry.

  30. Would you want someone to pick the person you spend the rest of your left with? Arranged Marriages are wrong, because you should be able to choose who you spend the rest of your life with. No one should make that choice for you. Just because your family members know you well and wish the best for you doesn’t mean that is what you want. For example in Romeo and Juliet, Juliets father wants her to marry a wealthy man named Paris. Juliet didn’t want to marry Paris even though it was against her parents wishes. Juliet wants to marry Romeo and make the decision herself. Only you know what is best for you, and you should make the choice yourself. You don’t want your family members or anyone choosing your partner who you are going to spend the rest of your life with. It may not be what you want. You are just forced to marry someone. There is many ways that an arranged marriage can go wrong. You may not like each other. It may not just work out between you two. Although it’s not a terrible idea for your family to choose your partner, I think you should have control of your own future and you should be the only person making that decision.
    –Zakara Salinas


  31. I believe that you should choose for yourself. I don’t think that your parents or someone should make the decision for you. I also don’t think that they know you as well, too. At first, you might not find the perfect match and you might even make mistakes but you’re not going to find him/her right away. Even if your parents don’t like the person you love does it really matter? Yeah it will hurt them but it’s your decision shouldn’t they respect it? and if they don’t respect it then they that means that they really don’t care about what you think and if they don’t care why should you? I know it’s kind of mean but it’s what you want. You need to be with the person that you love and makes you happy and comfortable, not with the person that your parents want for you and you don’t love him/her, sometimes your parents make a mistakes choosing for you no matter how much they know you.
    Keishlian Rivera Irizarry

  32. For centuries, many cultures arranged marriages for their kin. For some religions ex. Islam arranged marriages are crucial for following that said religion. One of the disadvantages of arranged marriages is that it restricts the freedom to pick your own spouse. One of most famous example that shows this is Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Arranged marriages are depicted in many forms in pop culture. In Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride as its plot is mostly based upon an arrange marriage. There are many advantages to arranged marriages as many are arranged to gain a higher title or for wealth. During the Medieval and Middle Ages arranged marriages were used to settle feuds between rival kingdoms, to gain more territory, and to unite kingdoms. One example is how Spain was form by an arranged marriage by uniting the kingdoms of Leon, Galicia, and Aragon. Depending on what time period, religion you believe in, or region in the world you live in arranged marriages are required. Like in present U.S there is not as many arranged marriages as there were in Colonial America. Arranged marriages have many pros and cons but all that matters is that in the end if both the people are happy.

  33. In my opinion arranged marriages aren’t a good thing. I feel like arranged marriages shouldn’t be happening anywhere around the world. The reason being is because I feel like your parents shouldn’t be deciding who you have to spend the rest of your life with. Yeah, sometimes you just want to please your parents and make them proud of you, but you shouldn’t let them force you to marry someone who you don’t love. Whenever you get married it should be because you love them not because you had to marry them because of an arranged marriage.
    I think that it’s okay for your parents to help you decide if you really want to marry someone who you think you will be happy with for the rest of your life. What’s not okay is if they tell you you’re getting married in a certain amount of days /weeks /months to someone who you don’t know or hardly know at all. Your parents aren’t you they don’t know what you do or don’t like. Your parents only have an idea of what you may want in a person that you want to marry, and spend the rest of your life with. Anyways it’s you who’s getting married it should be your decision on who you want to marry. To me arranged marriages are just unfair for both people

  34. I think you should be able to choose your own spouse. Your parents or religion should not have to choose who you marry. Although many people say your parents know what’s best, you and your parents do not want the same for you. What makes you happy may not make your parents happy. In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet’s parents are going to make her marry someone totally different than what she’s attracted to. She does not want to get married to Paris, because he does not make her happy like Romeo does. Also, in the hanger project we recently did in class, it shows how much of a difference that you have for your dream guy/girl and what your parents dream guy/girl want for you. I think it’s okay to have someone’s input or opinion on your spouse, but it is not okay for someone to tell you who to marry. If someone was to tell you who to marry, for who the person is or for the name or even for the money, with all of the luxury you would get, you would still not be happy for long. There’s a saying that “money does not buy happiness”, and I totally agree with that saying, money cannot even compare to how you feel when you are loved.

  35. I do not agree with arranged marriages, I do not think parents choosing their child’s future spouse is always a good idea. For some people arranged marriages are part of your religion, and going against their religion could have many conflicts between family and even with yourself. In arranged marriages so many things could go wrong rather than when you meet your spouse randomly and for the right reasons. You and your parents may have complete different ideas of the perfect mate for you. In arranged marriages you marry someone you don’t even know, you may not even have anything in common with that person. Arranged marriages force you to fall in love even if you aren’t ready or don’t want to. You could possibly go your whole life wondering what it would’ve been like to fall in love with your idea of the right person and at the right time. I think getting your parents approval and hearing their opinion of someone you’re considering marrying is very important.

  36. I believe that arranged marriage is wrong because I think that being forced to marry someone is just plain old wrong because 1st you’re not even marred to the man/woman you love and 2nd you might not know the guy/girl or you might be forced to marry the one person you hate. What if you don’t want to get marred are you just forced to marry or can you choose to marry or not, no I think you are forced to marry meaning you have to marry someone when you not even ready to marry yet. And what if you love someone guess what say goodbye to him because you father will choose who he wants you to marry. You see at least we live in the 21st century to where you can marry who you love oh what the heck guy can even marry a guy but I don’t know about a girl marrying a girl yet I’ve never witness that yet but still I some country’s there are still arranged marriages till this day. I believe that you have the right to marry who you love or who you want because not marring that person you love can let you live a horrible life like Romeo and Juliet for example Juliet didn’t get to marry who she wanted so she faked her death then Romeo killed himself to be with her in haven/hell but when she awoke she realize that was the worst idea she has ever mad now she killed self to be with the one person she loved all because her father didn’t want her to marry Romeo but try to force her to marry someone else.

  37. I think that getting married without your family having a opinion on it, is wrong. Your parents might have something in mind of what kind of guy they want you to be with, but you have the opposite in your mind. Your family should meet your guy before you go on and get married to see if they like him, unlike Romeo and Juliet where they get married without Juliet’s parents knowing. Juliet’s father wants Juliet to marry someone else but Juliet already married Romeo. Because Juliet’s parents think she is not married, her dad goes ahead and plans her to get married. It all turns into a big mess. I think its better to get your family opinions on your guy, so they can give you their perspective of him. –
    Hanna Bonilla

  38. Arranged marriage? I personally think that it’s up to the person that’s being married not your parents. Parents have to learn how to let go of their child when there old enough to let them live their own life. In the book “Romeo and Juliet”, Juliet has to marry Paris or her family will throw her out of the house to live on the streets. If arranged marriages do happen then I think it’s because of wealth that other person has not because of love. I think having your parent’s opinion is great, but not to just say ok you’re getting married tomorrow. The parents have to learn how to let here kids choose their own love like in Romeo and Juliet, they didn’t care if there family were rivals, they secretly married because of love at first sight. I think people can marry who they want to marry but the parents can give their opinion on it but cannot arrange it. Honestly lord Capulet wants Juliet to marry Paris because of Paris’s rank and wealth but he’s not thinking of his daughter, he’s only thinking about himself. I still think that arranged marriages are bad and people need to choose their own love not your parents.
    Xavier garcia

  39. How would you feel if you knew you would never be able to choose a spouse? Would you feel confused, upset, or angry? More than half of worldwide marriages are arranged and these people go through these emotions. I don’t believe that this is right because you can’t force something to happen. You might have to marry someone whom you’ve never met therefore having to marry a complete stranger. Lakshmi Priya Chellasamy said that “she didn’t feel ready” but that her “parents pushed her.” The events that God allows to happen in our life, happen for a reason and those lead up to who we’re meant to be and be with. However, many people do agree with arranged marriages. They explain that their parents know exactly who their kids would want to be with and that leads to the perfect spouse. In the book “How Love Emerges in Arranged Marriages: Two Cross-cultural Studies” Robert Epstein explains “…that love in arranged marriage grows over time, and that love in arranged marriage may eventually surpass the love that occurs in [non-arranged] marriages" (Epstein 341). Love may flourish in arranged marriages over time, but that doesn’t help the fact that people are being required to do something they might not be ready for.
    -Samantha Lugo

  40. Is it wrong for parents to control so much of their child's future by choosing their spouse for them? I’m not saying that it’s wrong to choose your child’s love as a parent, but I think it isn’t the right choice to choose as a parent. I’m sure you wouldn’t want your parents to control who you love, so why do it to your child? I’m sure that your child would be upset about every day and be sort of angry at you. It will really affect your child’s life because they can’t choose who they want to be with in their future. Maybe your child is in love with the boy / or girl of their dreams and can’t be with them because your parents are the ones choosing your love.
    With the current high divorce rates, does it make more sense for family members, who know you well and wish the best for you, to choose your partner? I’m sure your family members will understand your divorce and won’t think of you as a bad person. Only because there might be a lot going on in your life with your spouse, so don’t feel bad about yourself and keep your head up and live the life you want!
    -matt garcia

  41. Do you agree with the thought of having an arranged marriage? Personally, I disagree with arranged marriages. I don’t like the idea of my parents choosing someone that I’d have to spend the rest of my life with. My parents and I do not think alike and we have different expectations for men, so I wouldn’t trust them to find a spouse for me. There are many things that could go wrong in an arranged marriage. For example, say your parent wants you to marry someone with an amazing personality and is very respectful, so they find a guy that has these traits but he may not be the best looking guy around. But the girl on the other hand, doesn’t care how he acts or if he is respectful; she just cares if he’s popular and super good looking. So this relationship probably won’t work out since the girl doesn’t like the man her parents chose. Your parents don’t know what is best for you, even though you may think so or if they tell you that, the only person who knows what’s best for you is yourself. I believe people should be allowed to choose who they want to marry, and they should not be forced into a relationship they don’t want. You should marry someone that you’ve fallen in love with, not someone you have to force yourself to love
    -julie brown

  42. I believe that arranged marriage is ignorant in many ways, due to the fact that you should be to the point in time where you can make your own decisions in life for yourself without your parents or someone giving you or telling you who and who you can’t be with. That really frustrating knowing you can’t be with somebody you want to be with and you have to fallow orders and listen to whatever your parents have to say about who you should be with. Another reason I don’t like the idea of arranged marriage other than a no say so is that you sometimes or more than likely don’t even know the person and days before you are getting married you guys are barley getting aquatinted with each other and that’s a problem because after you get to know them your feelings may change as if they weren’t out of wack already. All this happens within a matter of days to weeks it all happens so fast what if you weren’t ready for all this and it just started happing. I just think it’s a bad idea because you can be an independent person and find someone that you’ll actually like and want to be with, or listen to someone else and marry someone that you barely even know and you don’t even want to be with them. After all this really all I say is that it a bad idea and you should be the one to make your decisions in life. - Sebastian Curry

  43. I believe that it’s more efficient to not arrange marriages because arranged marriages may put too much pressure on their child. JoAnne Viviano retells Lakshmi Priya Chellasamy’s story, “…her parents approached her with a potential husband… She didn’t feel ready. She cried.” Arranging the marriage doesn’t always help the child; it may hurt the child and stress them out even more. Some children or young adults would like to attend school and work. They want to wait to get married and/or date. If the parents try to force the marriage on their child they might rebel even more, rather than if you were to let them finish school, get a job, and then maybe marry the one that they love. The child may do something that will no benefit their health, get in trouble more at school/home, and many other things because of an arranged marriage. Although, some arranged marriages happen young, and it may seem strange to us, in some cultures it is normal be married by the age of thirteen. I believe it is best for everyone if you allow your child to choose their own husband or wife, and wait until they are ready to make a commitment like that. I am aware that some arranged marriages do not work out in the beginning, but once you get the opportunity to get to know that person, they could last a lifetime.
    ~Rebecca S.

  44. I believe that arranged marriages should be a thing but when you meet someone you know and love spending time with them you build a better bond than marring someone that you really don’t know. Marriage is a complicated thing personally I’ve never experienced marriage but I know that it a tough thing to handle if it’s the perfect match for you. But in some cases people let their parents drive their life because they either don’t know what to do with their life or their too shy to talk with anyone. My uncle was too confident to talk with people so he went off too strong so he asked my parents for help and somehow my parents hooked him up with a girl named Ashley. In this case arranged marriage worked out perfectly mainly because they both and the same personality.
    Mainly around the world marriages are arranged by the parents but rarely they people who are getting married make their own decisions and who they want to get married with in foreign countries. For example Israel and India has the highest percentage for arranged marriages in the world with a 7%. Arrange marriages work in some cases but I prefer knowing the person than meeting someone random. - David CG

  45. Do you really think arranged marriages are right? Well personally I think that it’s wrong because you should be able to decide who you want to marry and who you want to spend the rest of your life with. Not all the time but most of the time parents arrange marriages because the person they want you to marry has money and is wealthy so if you marry them then you and your family would be wealthy too. I think you should marry the person that you love the person that you already know not someone who you’ve never even met before or someone who you know nothing about. When you marry someone they’re supposed to be the love of your life the one you know absolutely everything about not someone you have to get to know by marriage. Don’t get me wrong there are pros about arranged marriages but they are also cons of an arranged marriage as well, the pros of a arranged marriages is that maybe the guy/girl that you’re going to marry happens to be the guy/girl that you’ve always dreamed of, he or she could be really nice and caring therefor maybe your parents know your personality after all. The cons of having an arranged marriage is that the guy/girl could be the exact opposite of what you’ve always dreamed of, maybe on the outside they’re really nice and seem perfect around people and in public but in the inside they’re rude, and mean and not the person they seem to be, that just shows you that your parents don’t really know you and don’t really know that person either and that they’re just in it for the money. This is why I think arranged marriages are wrong and shouldn’t be done unless the son/daughter agrees to it.

  46. Tuesday, April 26, 2016 1:16 PM
    Arranged Marriage something I would not consider! Having your parents pick the right person for you is a bit odd. I mean what if you don’t like that person what if they aren’t the perfect match for you what are you going to do? I myself would like to take the challenges of finding the perfect mate! I wana find that perfect someone who will fit right in with me find some similarities between one another and such more. And plus you could date around finding that perfect mate instead marrying such a stranger you barely even know because you never got to know before! That’s my opinion on arranged marriage what’s yours!?
    -Jevon Leal

  47. Do your parents control you for your whole life? They don’t make your every decision, so why should they choose your own spouse? I don’t think that parents should choose their child’s significant other. I think that it is up the person themselves to choose who they want to share their life with. As people grow up, we’re taught to be able to make decisions on our own. Throughout life we’re told over and over that we needed to be able to make big important decisions on our own. We are taught to become independent once we leave our parents care, and go on with life. So after all these years and all these teachings of how to be able to rely on one’s self, we’re still told on who we can and can’t marry? I find that very ironic. I can see that a parent may feel that their child could not be able to handle picking their spouse, but why arrange it? Why must someone control the outcome of another’s life, even if they do know the ins and outs of the way you live. There may be people who know a lot about you but, no one knows you more than yourself. I feel that it is up to the person themselves to decide who they want to marry, not the parents. We have a mind of our own for a reason, so we should use it.

  48. I believe it is wrong for parents to arrange their child’s marriage because there’s a whole world of problems that are associated with it. Marriage should be about who you actually want to be married to and not someone your parents choose. It is very unfair for the parent’s child to be forced to marry someone that they don’t have feelings for or probably don’t even know.
    The way that marriage works in the world today in most countries people choose themselves who they want to marry and not have someone else choose for them. That’s how it should be in every other country. If someone else chooses for them, they person could potentially be miserable for a very long time or even the rest of their life. Just the entire concept of marriage is a headache waiting to happen. You have to plan everything, get blessings, and spend a ton of money. But marrying someone you could possibly not have feelings for is the worst thing ever. If not, very close. It is just something that shouldn’t happen or exist. In my opinion there should not be a reason for a person’s parents to arrange their marriage and especially pick who the spouse would be.

  49. To me arranged marriage is wrong, because people should be allowed to pick who they want to marry not who their parents think they should marry. Parents think they know best for their children and most of the time they do, but we need to think for ourselves and make decisions on our own. Although more arrange marriages last longer than non-arrange marriages, people still like to choose who they want to be with for the rest of their lives. Sure arranged marriages can help give you a better future or keeping you out of dept. with money, but wouldn’t you rather want to be happy with a person you chose and not some other person you don’t even know. I believe people that had an arranged marriage are not happy in the beginning but will surly learn to love them and if not hopefully can get a divorce. People that chose their spouses are more happy than most, because they choose who they want to be with and don’t have to be told who to marry. In my opinion parents shouldn’t arrange their child’s marriage they should let them pick who they want to be with and if they mess up oh well its apart of life no one is perfect.

  50. In my opinion I think marriages should not be arranged. Think about it your gonna be with this person for the rest of my life shouldn’t you at least be able to pick her. Let’s say for example your parents pick your marriage and the girls they pick for you doesn’t even like you and ya’ll don’t even get along. There are a lot of experiences that you miss if you have arranged marriages. Like you can’t go and dates and you can’t experience what other people get to experience. You won’t get to experience true love. Even though I think arranged marriage is not good there are some good things that come out of arranged marriages. Like you will get along with your mother and father in laws. Your parents will like your spouse because they picked them. Hopefully your parents picked a spouse for you that is stable in money. So in that case money would not be a problem. Even though there are some pros of arranged marriage I think unarranged is still better. All of the people I know that are married have not had arranged marriages. Still 50% of marriages today are arranged

  51. Are arranged marriages a good idea? In my opinion, I do not think so. Your parents might think that they have the right idea for a spouse, but they’re not you. You probably already know what you want in spouse. If you’re parents pick a spouse for you, it’s because they want that person for you, not you. In arranged marriages, you are usually expected to get married right away. Kind of like in Romeo and Juliet. Juliet’s parents wanted Juliet to marry Paris, but that’s not what she wanted. Juliet wasn’t happy with Paris, she was happy with Romeo because she loved him. If you do have an arranged marriage, then you’ll never be able to go out in the real world and experiment. Arranged marriages are not always a bad idea though. You could end up marrying the love of your life. Some people believe that its fate that you end up with that person chosen for you. I just think you should be the judge of your spouse, because in the end, you are the one that is going to be spending the rest of your life with that one person, not your parents or whoever else.

  52. How would you feel if your parents chose your spouse? I think its wrong for your parents to choose your spouse because if your parents choose a guy you are not interested in then its not true love and will eventually end up into something bad with their marriage. Your mom and dad choosing your spouse isn’t going make you very happy at them you probably will hate them for a long time, you should make up your mind for what your true love is going be not your parents that’s like saying your parents are going to choose what clothes your going to wear today and your 25 years old. So put your foot down and tell your parents that your going to choose your spouse and who you are going to spend the rest of your life with and who you are going to be happy with. In Romeo and Juliet her mom wants her to marry some other guy that Juliet didn’t love, she was in love with Romeo, Romeo and Juliet fell in love at first sight and they will always love each other that why I think arranged marriages are wrong, you choose who you want to have your heart for the rest of your life.

  53. “What you discover on your own is always more exciting than what someone else discovers for you, it’s like the marriage between romantic love and an arranged marriage,” by Terrence Rafferty. Finding a spouse may be hard for some people so that could be a reason people go with arranged marriages. Arranged marriages aren’t wrong for people because sometimes they actually find their true love but maybe not all the time.
    In my opinion, I think arranged marriages aren’t wrong for people because sometimes you need a little push for some people but not all the time. Arranged marriages are like risks that you take to trust your family. For instance, in the article “Arranged marriages for central Ohioans work well in some subcultures,” it says “He said arranged marriages are often successful because family members can screen for the reasons that marriages could go sour;” this shows that arranged marriages can be made and to trust your family to pick a guy that is also ready like you. That has the same interests and respects family choosing for you. Arranged marriages isn’t about cultures and how its tradition. It’s about being ready for marriage and family’s help for that little push.
